The School of Integrating Shiatsu

Our School’s Mission Statement

  1. Offer methods of massage in a program and through all classes that emphasizes the importance of personal growth and responsibility in the process of assisting with greater knowledge, understanding, maturity,  love and compassion.
  2. Dedicated to establishing a firm foundation of self care and longevity practices that further assure healthy relationships and healthy choices in support of the ‘whole person’.
  3. Empowering the individual to directly experience dwelling in calm and responding to life with deeper trust and gratitude.
  4. Provide the inspiration and leadership to those who enter the field, so that they can have support in further opportunities to serve, and, to creatively use their natural skills and talents.
  5. Cultivate class environments and programs in total support of shifts of consciousness to be elevated though the strengthening of  Body, Mind and Spirit alignment.
  6.  Exploration of the delicate energetic systems of the body and processes of raising its frequencies will be highly supported through the use of essential oils as well as both new and ancient methods and technologies.
  7. All life sustaining – community strengthening – skill development in a meditative grounding will be fostered, upheld and honored.


Our Commitment to Excellence