Essential Oil Classes in Fairbanks, Alaska 2016

TN GentleWind header -fieldCLASSES ON ESSENTIAL OILS – Wait! There is more!
Invite the gift of mother earth’s liquid herbs into your life!

          Being informed leads to wise choices, as does your own direct experience. Taking your health into your own hands begins with daily habits and choices. Studies reveal that there is a fine line between health and disease. Consider essential oils.

Location of the following classes:
1703 Fiddle Way, Fairbanks, Alaska
Call to register: 907-479-3820
Late? Forgot to register?
Drop-ins as well as additional friends are welcomed but may not get handouts !

May 17, 2016  Tuesday 6 – 8PM Tuition: $10
The ‘How to Use’ class and, the
‘Why therapeutic grade essential oils?’

Experiencing the most often used and loved essential oils among the 160 singles and blends found in Young Living’s Premium Kit will be the highlight of this class. In addition to smelling them, you will have the opportunity to apply many of them as well.  Important information of each one’s commonly known every day uses will be shared in handouts. You wont believe all the uses of peppermint oil!

Many who have taken this class before comment how good they feel even after just one exposure to the potency of these therapeutic grade essential oils. Understand the commitment Young Living has shown in the Seed to Seal tm promise and why you too may agree that this is of great importance.

May 24, 2016 Tuesday 6 – 8PM  $10
Create a non-toxic home environment and
essential oil supported medicine cabinet

For a start, due to trapped moisture and toxic commercial products commonly used, the concern about what causes allergies and the consequences of black mold is serious. Would you like to know of alternatives that actually boost your immune system instead of tearing it down? Experience how Young Living Thieves product line has gotten world attention as a viable choice. For instance Thieves has been scientifically proven to kill 99.9% airborne disease causing pathogens. This is only one aspect on a long list addressing a multitude of other health concerns.

Do you know of the ‘dirty dozen’? Attend this important class in considering ‘transfer buying’ as you enhance your consumer awareness of what you really are ingesting and who you really are supporting. Create an essential oil supported medicine cabinet. Not only will you be delighted with the simplicity of their use and efficacy but they smell great!  Are you won over by convenience, advertising hype and popularity?

Your  unawareness supports the multinational corporate’s bottom line: profit. Where does health and integrity fit in? Is it time to think again and vote with your dollar?

If you cannot attend this class and would like the information provided please contact

May 31, Tuesday plus June 2, Thursday 6 – 9:30 PM Beginner’s Gentle Wind Raindrop Technique
$60 both classes. Must pre-register! 

Dive in to learn and receive a delightful essential oil application technique…inspired by the Raindrop Technique and enhanced with The Lea Method of massage techniques. In support of your commitment to elevate your state of health this is a ‘must-experience’ for yourself! The 60 drops of oils used directly on your spine immediately benefits your immune system while deeply relaxing you. You will learn important reflex points with the Gentle Wind Reflexology Techniques introducing you to the hand saving addition of The Lea Method. This two part series is to both learn to give and also be a recipient. Includes an instructional hand out.

BRING twin sheet, pillow case, two thick towels and one tea towel

This is a great class to share with your partner or friend so you can continue using it and benefiting each other afterwards.

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